
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on maaliskuu, 2022.

Towards grand unification?

I wrote earlier in the blog "The countdown to the beginning" about the early nature of the universe. The cosmic inflation theories suggest that all energy was bound in the form of the inflation field in the beginning. The field decayed eventually to the particles presented by the standard model. The standard model is established and well proved model for elementary particles and their interactions. Making it simple, it divides particles to six quarks, six leptons, and bosons that are force carriers for the three fundamental interactions. Quarks are interconnected together by strong force, and leptons by weak and electromagnetic forces. In the high enough energy scale (over 246 GeV) leptons interact by combined electroweak force (at the first  10 -12  seconds of universe). Even the standard model has been successful and self-consistent it does not incorporate the gravity interaction described in the general relativity.  Additionally, the standard model is quite complex and...