
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on lokakuu, 2021.

The countdown to the beginning

The question where we've all come from has been fascinating for the ages. Quite many of us have heard the scientific explanation of the Big Bang that gave the birth for the universe. Georges Lemaître, a Belgian cosmologist and Catholic priest, introduced Big Bang in his scientific paper in 1931, stating that the observable universe began at a definite point in time. Edwin Hubble had confirmed through analysis of galactic redshifts in 1929 that galaxies are drifting apart. Thus expanding universe could be traced back in time to an originating single point that is actually approximated to be happened nearly 13,8 billion years ago. There were different theories of the steady-state universe still in the following decades till 1964 when the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) was  discovered,  that had been a prediction of the Big Bang theory. The CMB is an uniform background radiation throughout the universe caused by the high temperatures and densities in the distant past. Act...