Cosmic coupling

As I wrote in my blog "on a rubber mat" the gravitational waves are vibration of the spacetime medium and they emerge notably from comic collisions like black hole merges. Since the first observation of merging black holes by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in 2015, astronomers have been repeatedly surprised by their large masses. A star with a mass under 40 Suns can collapse to a black hole but not heavier ones. However, mergers of black holes with mass as much as 100 Suns are discovered. Recently, a research group in University of Hawaii published a study in Astrophysical Journal Letters about cosmic coupling explaining gravitational wave observations of the past years. Their hypothesis is that mass of black holes grow while the universe expands. The research group simulated millions of evolved black holes that were modeled in the expanding universe instead of static. Whereas conventional black hole models are simplifications of Einstein's equations in a static universe, this idea is simple but great acknowledgement. The simulated data is realistically in accordance with the current LIGO -- Virgo observations. 

The expansion of the universe started to accelerate a couple of billions years ago and being driven by the dark energy. It is believed that the acceleration started when galaxy clusters were already drifted so far that their gravitational pull was overcome by the dark energy. The appearance of the dark energy is one of the biggest mysteries. The expansion is believed to be a nature of empty space and actually happens when the space has energy density lower than six times the average. There are theories that the dark energy is the same field that drove the cosmic inflation in the beginning of the universe. During the inflation energy density was enormously higher but also very homogenously distributed which enabled the free rapid expansion.

In the earlier mentioned blog I made own hypothesis based on the zero-energy universe model. It involves also cosmic coupling in the sense that gravitational energy distributed in denser regions will be balanced by the dark energy throughout the whole universe and that is observable in less dense regions. It can be thought that dark energy is consequence of increased gravitational counter signed energy.  The recent study puts it other way: black holes and their gravitational effect grow because of the dark energy. It is possible that they are coupled in both ways like in the general relativity mass determines spacetime curvature and the curvature determines the motion of mass. While the study is focused on black holes it is possible that the coupling if it exists has impact on all form of constructions in the universe including us.


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